SICASA Election 2021-22

  • Date:17 Mar 2021
  • Venue:ICAI Thiruvananthapuram Branch

SICASA election for the year 2021-22  will be conducted on 17th March 2021 (Wednesday) at ICAI Thiruvananthapuram Branch. 

Nomination forms are available at the branch office on payment of  Rs. 5/-.  A notice on the subject is attached for your information.

Relevant Dates :

  1. Last date for filing the Nomination       :  12 March 2021
  2. Scrutiny of the received nominations  :  13 March 2021
  3. Withdrawal of nominations, if any        :  15 March 2021
  4. Election                                                   :   17 March 2020

Details of various posts for which elections will be carried on are given below :

  1. Vice Chairman
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer
  4. Editor
  5. Final Representative
  6. Intermediate Representative

The World Forum of Accountants (WOFA)

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